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Stormwater blockage

Stormwater blockage can be a real problem in Melbourne.  Stormwater blockages can cause serious damage to your property and cost you thousands of dollars.

In a perfect world, rain would fall from the sky, flow down streets and through storm drains, and empty out into local waterways without a trace. But in the real world, where development has replaced natural landscapes with hard surfaces like roofs and pavement, that rainwater can cause big problems. When stormwater accumulates on these impervious surfaces, it creates flash flooding and pollutes our rivers, lakes, and oceans with harmful pollutants.

There are many causes of blockages, both natural and man-made. Some of the most common causes of blockages are:

1) Tree roots grow into the sewer line.

2) Broken or collapsed sewer lines.

3) Sediment and debris accumulation.

4) Grease, oil and fat build-up.

5) Pipe corrosion.

Stormwater runoff is a major issue in many communities. This runoff can contain pollutants and debris that can impact local waterways. A stormwater blockage can occur when rain or snowmelt accumulates on the surface of the ground and then flows into storm drains, culverts, or other drainage systems. Stormwater blockages can cause flooding and damage to property.

Water overflows sidewalks and drains onto driveways, creating stormwater blockages. If a blockage progresses too far, it can cause flooding. Properly managing stormwater can help prevent these blockages from occurring and contributing to flooding. A stormwater management program is an integrated approach to managing stormwater. It can include strategies that provide for the maintenance and repair of stormwater drainage systems, as well as education, outreach, and other activities designed to promote good water quality in local waterways.

 Call Cutting Edge Plumbing to learn how we can help you with stormwater blockages.